Thursday, October 4, 2012

Life in El Salvador

After one of the program at a school this summer.  
 A warm greeting from El Salvador!!  We miss all of you!  We wanted to begin blogging for the first time so we can give you short updates of what is going in the tropics.  We are doing well working with Kings Castle Ministry--currently, we are conducting English, Photography, PE, and Guitar "workshops" and classes through which we share the Good News at churches and a school.  We are working side-by-side with local people who are also teaching cosmetology, equipping women with an excellent tool to use in these poor communities.  By building relationships, we are opening doors to the lives of many broken families and communities.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers for the Lord to give us wisdom to be effective ministers of His Truth.
Lyuda teaching at a workshop in Candelaria.  In the background is the cosmetology workshop.  
Lyuda cooked some great Borshch and homemade cheese with raisins Vareniki for the locals to try Ukrainian dishes.  They loved it!!  Many came to ask Lyuda for the recipe.  
Helping at the Castillo Del Rey clinic which provides free healthcare to hundreds of poor families.   

Playing with a baby pelibuey (a type of sheep).  The little one followed us wherever we went.  

Milking a pelibuey because the mama doesn't want to feed the baby above.  

This is Lito, our monster friend.  

Anona is a prized tropical fruit we enjoyed eating. If refrigerated, it tastes like ice-cream.  
Photo with friends at Potrerios.