Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Year Anniversary

365 days married!! : )  We were able to print our wedding photos and
get a beautiful flower basket to celebrate.

Boy, time flies fast!! This blog update is way past due; we have been really busy since our last update.

First, and the most important thing is we celebrated our FIRST YEAR ANNIVERSARY in October! We are grateful God has given us the opportunity to spend the first part of our marriage on the missions field. Our relationship has strengthened and our priorities oriented together to serve the Lord. Most of the stuff we do, we do it together; if we are teaching English at the school, Lyuda teaches one class, and Yuri teaches the other right next door.  When we work with a team or local pastor, visit houses, conduct programs, climb mountains, etc., we are blessed to do it together.  God has surely brought us together!

Chocolate strawberry cake summed-up
our celebration!

Lyuda helping Matty carry corn to the mill in the mountains in order
to make tortillas for lunch. 

About an hour hike to "upper" Potrerillos to work with children. 
Lyuda conducting a class in the middle of a dirt road.

Ripe coffee beans ready for harvest.

Harvested coffee being loaded for the processing plant. 
The people in these montains have to work really
hard to pick this seasonal black gold. They work from sunrise to
sunset (about 12 hours) to earn about $5 per day.  Practically,
the coffee pickers get $1 per picked bag of coffee beans (seen above)
while working on steep slopes and in the tropical heat.

When the locals saw us hiking up the mountain to the children, they called us to
give us several handfulls of jocotes to enjoy on the hike!
Jocotes are a season fruit found in El Salvador, but the best-tasting and largest
size are found in the mountains.  You may ask what they taste like... 
All we can say is... well, they taste like jocotes--you'll have to come visit
to find out for yourself.  The taste and texture is unique and cannot be
compared to any other fruit we have ever tasted.