Monday, March 25, 2013

Team Visits from Seattle

We were really blessed when two teams visited us to support the work we are doing in November 2012 and early March of this year.  Valentin and Nick, Yuri's brothers, came in last year, and Igor and Ben came several weeks ago.

From Left: Valentin, Leo (who's in Masters Commission
here in El Salvador), and Nick joined us to visit 6
annexes, sharing the Good News.  

Fun and games for children.  There are no language
bariers for having FUN with children!
The children loved the Piñatas filled with candy and toys.
Photo with children after program in Potrerillos.  
Our team also assisted with the feeding programs at the
churches.  Nutritious food is a big need for families
working in the field.  

Lyuda and Yuri were selected by the Potrerillos school,
where we taught English and PE, to speak and
give out rewards and accomplishments to the
graduating class. 

Yuri encouraging the work of the church leaders at

We visited many houses to encourage people to
seek the Lord.  Mario, here, is paralyzed waste down
after being shot for no reason while walking
out of a pharmacy.  
Care packages were delivered to families in need.  

Valentin sharing the Good News at one of the churches. 

Typical way people carry things.  

The second team's goal was to build a ramp for Mario (pictured above) so he can get down the slope at his house and be able to get to church and visit family and friends.  Mario had given his life to the Lord after the terrible shooting incident.  He said that only God gave him the purpose, peace, and comfort he needed during the hardest times of his life.  

Before picture: Mario's little tin house is on the left side.
As the pictures shows, there's about two feet drop from
his house to the rocky dirt and then up again to the pavement.
The earthquake that rocked El Salvador in 2001 has left people
without good housing since then.  When we arrived, we found
holes in the roof where water would run down during
the rainy season.  

Together with the local help, we were able to build a ramp.
Pouring the slab for the ramp.  

Project complete! Now, Mario can safely ride down the ramp to be able to get around. It was a satisfying project.  The team from Seattle also helped replace the leaking roof and build a small ramp for Mario to get on the main rope. What a pleasure to sweat through and work hard for someone who cannot pay back, but doing this, you know it's for the Glory of God! "And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Matthew 10:42

In-between building the ramp, we had activities with
children and youth.

Igor teaching guitar in Potrerillos.  

Preparing for the kids program.

Ben decorating...

Pastor Julio creating balloon designs.  

Each child received a bag of candy at the end of the program.

Ben helping with making tortillas for the feeding program.
The guys really liked pupusas, a national dish, and
promised they will make them when they get back home.  

The team participating in one of the church programs.  

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